Compatibility of Waterproof Sensor Temperature
The Waterproof Sensor Temperature of our partner AKCP are compatible with the sensorProbe2, sensorProbe8 and securityProbe alarm hardware.
The connection of the Waterproof Sensor Temperature is simply performed by RJ-45 connectors. To avoid losing track of larger monitoring installations, all the intelligent AKCP sensors are marked at the factory.

Transmission of temperature readings to an NMS
The temperature sensor has its own OID, so that the recorded temperature values and also to network management systems (NMS) such as Nagios or WhatsUp Gold can be forwarded.
Autosense function
The sensorProbe and securityProbe devices auto detect the presence of the temperature sensor once plugged into the RJ-45 port. A built in graph option is included on all sensorProbes for graphing temperature variations over a period of time.
Each temperature sensor has its own SNMP OID so that the data can be collected over network and graphed using external application like Nagios.
The temperature sensor can be read using included SNMP utilities to allow graphing and data logging at 0.5°C resolution. Here you find the compatitibilty list of AKCP intelligent sensors.
AKCP Sensor Temperature Waterproof
This water resistant version of the AKCP temperature sensor is designed for outdoor usage, or indoor area that are subject to water or moisture (eg. greenhouses). The temperature sensor is compatible with all of our AKCP sensorProbe and securityProbe monitoring devices.
from 95,00 Euro*
Monitoring System 100 III - buy now
The advanced monitoring system 100 III is the entry level model of the high-end surveillance systems from Didactum. This monitoring appliance is designed and manucactured within the EU. The engineering and support of the Didactum monitoring systems are located in Germany.
from 239,00 Euro*
- No calibration needed
- Measurement range Celsius: :-55°C to +75°C.
- Measurement accuracy Celsius: ±0.5°C accuracy from -10°C to +75°C
- Measurement resolution Celsius: 1°C
- Measurement rate - multiple readings every second.
- Sensor type: semiconductor microprocessor controlled.
- Communications cable - RJ-45 jack to sensor using UTP Cat 5 wire.
- Power source: powered by AKCP monitoring device. No additional power needed
- auto detection feature
- disconnect alarm